On the management of family property: a proposal for improvement in Aonio Paleario’s discourse

Keywords: Aonio Paleario, Italian literature, discursive thought, household economy, gender equality


Aonio Paleario stood out for defending philogynist positions that sought to demystify the structures of patriarchy. Based on the philological examination of Dell’economia o vero del governo della casa (1555), this paper shows how Paleario considered women to be perfectly suitable for asset and property management. For the author, being a man is not necessarily associated with conveying an impression of orderliness and professionalism in family governance. Therefore, by promoting specific actions in favour of women, Paleario uses his discursive thinking to feature how the participation of women in household economy is key to the development of the family.


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How to Cite
García Fernández J. (2023). On the management of family property: a proposal for improvement in Aonio Paleario’s discourse. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 17, 67-72. https://doi.org/10.5209/inge.88953