El concepto de ingenium en la obra de Spinoza. II) El ingenium del pueblo y el alma del Estado

  • Pierre- François Moreau
Keywords: Spinoza, Ingenium, Complexion, State, Nation


In this paper, the author applies to the different States or Nations the concept of ingenium, set up by Spinoza to think the psychological singularity of individuals. In doing so, the potentiality of such a concept is expanded so it can be used to treat the problem of the identity of the various nations. Each of them will be something particular due to a kind of complexion, which will be the condition for the legislators to build up a political constitution proper to persevere in being.


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How to Cite
Moreau P.-. F. (2010). El concepto de ingenium en la obra de Spinoza. II) El ingenium del pueblo y el alma del Estado. Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 3, 80-93. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/INGE/article/view/INGE1010120080A