Vincenzo di Blasi, contentious author and philologist in the Women’s Quarrel in Italy, and his response to Aristotle’s misogynist theories

Keywords: Sicilian feminism, Vincenzo di Blasi, Aristotle, misogyny, sicilian feminism


The aim of this article focuses on the contested and philogical work of the Sicilian writer Vincenzo di Blasi in relation to Aristotle's misogynist theories set out in his works Generation of Animals and Politics, both written in fourth century BC. The article opens with an introduction to the studies that have been undertaken on Aristotelian definitions of women in order to define a theoretical framework. Subsequently, the theories of Aristotle and the replies of Vincenzo di Blasi in chapter XIV of his Apologia filosofico-storica in cui si mostra il sesso delle donne superiore a quello degli uomini (1737) are presented in a contrasting manner, demonstrating the author's inclusion within the Women's Quarrel in Italy.


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How to Cite
Giacobbe G. A. (2023). Vincenzo di Blasi, contentious author and philologist in the Women’s Quarrel in Italy, and his response to Aristotle’s misogynist theories. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 17, 77-82.