Educated women praised by Lodovico Dolce

Keywords: Women, Educated women, Example, Education, Female


In his treatise Dialogo di M. Lodovico Dolce della institution delle donne secondo li tre stati, che cadono nella vita humana Lodovido Dolce stresses the fact that it is necessary for women’s education to help them develop moral virtues but at the same time he argues that “Che la donna de’imparar lettere” and believes that “li studi delle lettere fanno le Donne buone”. Thus, his reasoning aligned with the perspective of literature and morality aims to form a pedagogical-educational text suitable for women who are either virgins or married or widows. To consolidate his conviction related to the importance of literature as an essential element of women’s education, he presents and praises educated women and portrays them as a worthy and respectable example. Among the various praised figures, Lodovico Dolce speaks highly of Cassandra Fedele, Vittoria Colonna Marquise of Pescara, Veronica Gambara Countess of Correggio, and others.


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How to Cite
Boubara A. (2023). Educated women praised by Lodovico Dolce. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 17, 83-86.