The vortex of origin

  • Domenico Scalzo Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Keywords: conflict, order, philosophy of history, absolute politics, freedom


The essay aims at interpreting some aspects of Machiavelli’s thought in the light of Benjamin’s philosophy. The topic of the origin of politics is the red thread of the arguments therein developed. In particular the essay focuses on the immanent origin in the becoming of history, which is the absolute beginning of an era; such immanent origin is not separated from time, but rather a remote and identifiable point in the time itself: a first cause which determines the path ahead. Such origin has to do with the idea of absolute politics, with the idea of conflict and freedom in politics, which the essay carries to its point of catastrophe, whose vortex ruins any possible order. A final reference is made to the messianic splinters scattered in Machiavelli’s work and to Machiavelli’s idea of redemption.


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How to Cite
Scalzo D. (2019). The vortex of origin. Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 13, 101-119.