The pedagogical controversy over original sin and the modern germs of pedagogical formalism. From Comenius to Rousseau

  • José Sánchez Tortosa
Keywords: Humanism, Comenius, Rousseau, pedagogy, formalism pedagogical, materialism.


The intellectual hegemony of Catholicism in the general understanding of teaching throughout the Middle Ages suffers a rollover in the beginning of Modernity. The enquiry on the philosophical foundations and demarcation criteria of these confronted theories allows us to measure its real essence, the description of which could be established by taking into consideration Tomist pedagogy as the paradigm to which Comenius’ and Rousseau’s pedagogy is opposed.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Tortosa J. (2016). The pedagogical controversy over original sin and the modern germs of pedagogical formalism. From Comenius to Rousseau. Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 10, 195-208.