Absolute allegory in El Criticón: a dialogue with Benjamin

  • Tomás Z. Martínez Neira Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).
Keywords: allegory, Benjamin, Gracián, inmanence, Criticón, Baroque.


In his Trauerspiel study, Benjamin analyses the role of the baroque allegorist in an age in which his word is the expression of the melancholic gaze of an abandoned subject handed over to an absolute immanence. But the allegorist makes a move through which he achieves to go from immanence to God, allegorizing the concept of evil that he himself has produced. Even when he meets the characteristics of those allegorists, Baltasar Gracian does not make, in our judgement, this kind of betrayal to his own logos, surrendering completely to the consequences of natural history, the immanence and the allegorical saying.


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How to Cite
Martínez Neira T. Z. (2016). Absolute allegory in El Criticón: a dialogue with Benjamin. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 10, 109-127. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INGE.2016.v10.54734