Last confidences between Mariana and García de Loaysa: the greatness of an archbishopric as ephemeral as its hopes for royal power

  • Fernando Centenera Sánchez-Seco Universidad de Alcalá (España)
Keywords: Mariana, García de Loaysa, governance, primacy, De rege, epitaph.


The contents of two Egerton manuscripts are analyzed in this paper. One, dating from 1598, is part of the correspondence between Mariana and García de Loaysa. In it, Mariana recommends someone for his friend’s government, refers to some issues of ecclesiastical policy, to his future publications (including the treatise De rege et regis institutione) and also expresses his gratitude for a personal favour. The second manuscript, dating from 1599, contains an epitaph written by Mariana after the death of García de Loaysa, which includes biographical details and feelings of a family and personal nature. It amounts to a portrait which is strikingly different from other far more negative ones that history has bequeathed us.


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How to Cite
Centenera Sánchez-Seco F. (2016). Last confidences between Mariana and García de Loaysa: the greatness of an archbishopric as ephemeral as its hopes for royal power. Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 10, 59-74.