La Disputa de Tortosa y las semillas judeoconversas del materialismo del siglo XVII

  • José Sánchez Tortosa
Keywords: Disputation of Tortosa, Espinosa, converts, sephardic judaism, mesianism


The history of Sephardic Judaism, from the late Middle Age to Modernity, and its diatribes against Christianity, which claims to be its theological resolution and, therefore, considers it abolished time, points out the direction of theological, philosophical and even political thought, which crystallize in the evolution of modern Judaism itself and in philosophical schools that are breeding grounds for a given materialism, the fullest systematic culmination of which is the work of Amsterdam-born, Sephardic Jew Benedictus de Espinosa.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Tortosa J. (2015). La Disputa de Tortosa y las semillas judeoconversas del materialismo del siglo XVII. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 9, 151-171.