Un análisis del concepto lockeano de “pueblo” a partir del consentimiento y la resistencia

  • Martín Oliveira Un análisis del concepto lockeano de “pueblo” a partir del consentimiento y la resistencia
Keywords: Locke, representation, people, resistance, consent


This paper aims to reconstruct the concept of “people” in the political theory of John Locke considering his theory of consent. First, we analyze the notion of “political resistance” that provides important elements to characterize the Lockean people. We then complement that perspective with the hypothesis that the distinction between express and tacit consent is key to determine who can be part of the people, as we try to demonstrate that the analysis of this distinction solely focused on the duty to obey the law turns out to be insufficient.


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How to Cite
Oliveira M. (2015). Un análisis del concepto lockeano de “pueblo” a partir del consentimiento y la resistencia. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 9, 43-61. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INGE.2015.v9.51541