The economic theory of crime: the history and presence of criminal thought in economic science and its gaps

Keywords: Economic Theory, drug trafficking, criminality, economic development, political economy


Criminality in economics can be considered as a historically recent topic of research. It starts to gain notoriety from the Economic Theory of Crime, developed by Gary Becker, in the late 60s and to the present day drug trafficking is a persistent concern among all nations on the globe. Given the importance of the topic, this reserch note aims to unravel the origins of the Economic Theory of Crime, as well as to assess its compatibility with the phenomenon today. Preliminary results show that the orthodox economic perspective is insufficient in explaining the dynamics of drug trafficking, since the actors involved in the phenomenon can be influenced by political and socioeconomic issues, not just the rational decision of individuals.


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How to Cite
Ferreira G. (2022). The economic theory of crime: the history and presence of criminal thought in economic science and its gaps. Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 9(2), 139-145.