El papel central de la enajenación en Marx. La fundación de la economía humanista en los 'Manuscritos de 1844' y en la categoría mercancía en 'El capital'

  • Baruc Jiménez Contreras Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Alienation, Karl Marx, Humanistic economics, Manuscripts of 1844, Capital, commodity


The interpretations of the structuralist vision of Marxian economics have disconnected the economic categories of Capital from a humanist vision. This paper shows that the objective of the political economy of Marx is necessarily humanistic and that it focuses on recovering the subject's autonomy to mediate its relationship with nature and society through the labor process. It is assumed that the category "alienation", which originates in the Manuscripts, is the principle that supports the Marxian economy; in denouncing the inability of the human subject to manage the labor process in capitalism, Marxian economy has always been humanistic. The category "alienation" is maintained in Capital because it is introduced in the elaboration of its labor theory of value as well as in the “commodity”.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Contreras B. (2019). El papel central de la enajenación en Marx. La fundación de la economía humanista en los ’Manuscritos de 1844’ y en la categoría mercancía en ’El capital’. Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 6(2), 115-134. https://doi.org/10.5209/ijhe.66192