The agrarian arbitristas of the Castilian seventeenth century. Some ideas on peasantry

  • Omar Gómez-Cornejo Aguado Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Castile, 17th century, agrarian arbitristas, peasants, mentality.


The agrarian arbitristas in Castile in 17th century did projects to encourage the economic activities on the primary sector because they considered that agriculture and livestock were essential to overcome the recession of the country. However, they proposed not just economic measures, but also suggested some issues related to the status and consideration of the peasants in that moment. The arbitristas planned a utopian reform which would have caused a deep change in the establishment ot the Old Regime. Their plans were apparently unsuccessful, but the latency of their ideas persisted for some centuries.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Cornejo Aguado O. (2018). The agrarian arbitristas of the Castilian seventeenth century. Some ideas on peasantry. Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 5(1), 17-27.