La impugnación de acuerdos por el propietario ausente en la junta cuando no manifesta su discrepancia en el plazo de treinta días. Análisis de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala Primera, de lo Civil de 16 de diciembre de 2008

  • Ana Isabel Berrocal Lanzarot
Keywords: Absent owner, Challenging resolutions, Owners’ meeting, Opposition and abstention to the agreements


The present study analyzes the judgment of the Spanish Supreme Court, First Civil Division, of December 16, 2008, about a polemic issue referred to the fact if the absent owners at a Meeting had legitimization or not to challenge resolutions of the article 17.1.1 of the Spanish Horizontal Property Law (Ley de Propiedad Horizontal, LPH) approved in that Meeting, in spite of not having opposed to its adoption in the period of thirty days. According to this, it is fixed as jurisprudential definitive criteria that «the absent owner at the Meeting, who to knows the agreement and does not demonstrate his discrepancy in the period of thirty days established in the article 17.1 of the Horizontal Property Law, Law 8/1999 of April 6, is legitimized to challenge it in accordance with the requirements established in the article 18, except if the challenging is founded in not having the qualified majority demanded by the Law».


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How to Cite
Berrocal Lanzarot A. I. (2009). La impugnación de acuerdos por el propietario ausente en la junta cuando no manifesta su discrepancia en el plazo de treinta días. Análisis de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala Primera, de lo Civil de 16 de diciembre de 2008. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 9, 209-239.