Brazilian Public Ministry and Consensual Justice

  • Antonio Carlos asda Ponte Universidad Católica de São Paulo
  • Pedro Henrique Demercian UC/SP
Keywords: Public Office, consensual efficiency, rational justice


There is a global trend for the so-called penal process of results, which succinctly covers: a) quick and effective case solving; b) justice Admin Simplicity and a better approach to consumers; c) allowance of both lawyer and Public Ministry prevention rather than actual healing, that not being the case, let them mediate. It is within this context that we include Consensual Justice , by which we may remark agreement justice models (penal transaction, conditional procedure suspension , bonused collaboration among others). We, therefore, notice a clear opposition and inconsistency between consensus and imposed or conflict justice. Consensus justice may and should be adapted to the pattern adopted in Spain, in a search for efficiency, yet without abstaining from classic procedural anthems.


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How to Cite
asda Ponte A. C. y Demercian P. H. (2020). Brazilian Public Ministry and Consensual Justice. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 22(1), 101-118.