Los terremotos de 1748 de Montesa (Valencia) y de 1790 de Orán (Argelia)
Historical seismicity, Montesa (Valencia), Oran (Algeria), damages, intensity.
The Montesa (Valencia) earthquake of 23 March 1748 and the Orán (Algeria) earthquake of 9 October 1790 caused heavy damage and were felt over a wide area. The abundant contemporary documentation about the damage caused by these earthquakes, allows a re-evaluation of the seismic intensity distribution giving a maximum intensity I = IX (EMS-1998) for Montesa and IX-X for Oran. From intensities distribution it is possible to correlate the seismic ruptures with the geological faults in the epicentral area. For the Oran earthquake we propose an off-shore focus due to the occurrence of a tsunami. The Montesa and Oran earthquakes have occurred in a region considered of low seismic hazard where few large earthquakes have happened.Downloads
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How to Cite
Buforn E., Coca P. y Udías A. (2017). Los terremotos de 1748 de Montesa (Valencia) y de 1790 de Orán (Argelia). Física de la Tierra, 29, 101-119. https://doi.org/10.5209/FITE.57689