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Lista di controllo per la predisposizione di una proposta

Durante la procedura di trasmissione di una proposta, gli autori devono verificare il rispetto dei seguenti requisiti; la submission potrebbe essere rifiutata se non aderisce a queste richieste.
  • La submission non è stata precedentemente pubblicata, né proposta a un'altra rivista (oppure si fornisce una spiegazione all'editor nei commenti).
  • Il file di submission è in un formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Dove possibile, sono stati fornite le URL dei riferimenti
  • Il testo ha spaziatura singola; usa un font 12 punti ; impiega il corsivo invece della sottolineatura (eccetto con gli indirizzi URL); e tutte le illustrazioni, figure, e tabelle sono posizionate all'interno del testo nei punti appropriati, piuttosto che alla fine.
  • Il testo aderisce alle richieste stilistiche e bibliografiche riassunte nelle linee guida dell'autore, che si trova nella pagina di informazioni sulla rivista.

Linee guida per gli autori

Rules for authors of the journal Eikón Imago

1. Introduction

Eikón Imago accepts original and unpublished works related to its fields of interest, indicated in the header of its “Home” page. Each annual issue of the journal revolves around a Monographic Theme, although it also has two other Sections Miscellaneous Articles and Reviews.

Authors must register with the role of "Author" in the link <>.

There they will obtain a Username and a password with which they will be able to start the work submission process, after login in to the journal at the link <>.

Articles may be written in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese.

The works will be submitted online through the platform in editable files (.odt; .doc; .rtf) and conveniently anonymized.

Personal information about the author, or any reference to their identity, must not appear under any circumstances in any part of the article, that is, neither in the central text, nor in the footnotes, nor in the bibliography. Any reference that identifies the author must be removed. The authors' personal data (name, surname, institution, email, and other details indicated in the following point 2) will be included in a separate sheet (See “First page” below).

Authors must make sure that all personal data from the document file has been erased.

Eikón Imago will notify the authors of the receipt of their submitted articles. In the first place, the editorial team will check that the text fits into some of the editorial coverage lines of the journal and that it adapts to its formal rules. Once these aspects have been checked, the text will be submitted to two external evaluating referees through the “double blind peer-review process” system. In case of a tie between the two evaluators, the evaluation of a third external will be requested to resolve it. After receiving the external evaluations, the Editorial Team of the journal reserves the option to accept or reject the article, and to recommend the author to make some changes. The author will be notified of the evaluators' decision no later than three months after the submission of his article.

Authors should observe the "Good Practice Guide" that we include in the homonymous file.

Eikón Imago does not charge any fees for the shipping of the item or for the process of evaluating it.

2. First page

The first page of the article will include the following information:

a) Title of the article in the original language, justified to the left. Do not write it in capital letters. In the event that the article is included within a specific program or has some funding, said information must be indicated in a footnote set at the end of the article's title.

b) Summary of about 10/12 lines (150 to 200 words), which must synthetically reflect the objectives, methodology and conclusions of the article.

c) Keywords (between 4 and 6), separated by semicolons.

d) Title, abstract and keywords in English. If the article is written in English, it will have to be translated into Spanish.

3. Extension

The articles for the Monographic Topic and Miscellaneous Articles Sections will have a maximum length of 25 pages, equivalent to approximately 75,000 characters, including spaces, summary, notes and bibliography. The book reviews will have a maximum length of 3 pages, equivalent to about 9,000 characters with spaces.

4. Guidelines for the body of the central text

a) The abbreviations allowed are: cf., vid., S. v., esp., p. eg, op. cit., art. cit., infra, supra. For the rest of the abbreviations, the most common ones in each discipline will be used, trying to respect the rules of the RAE regarding the use of uppercase, lowercase and italics, as it appears in the list published on its page (

Other formulas and abbreviations:

ed./eds. (edition / publisher / s); coord./coords. (coordinator / coordinators); dir./dirs. (director / directors); comp. (compiler); trad. (translation / translator); see / see (instead of: v./vid); p./pp. (page / pages); t./tt. (tome / tomes); vol./vols. (volume / volumes); f./ff. (folio / folios); fig./figs. (figure / figures); lam. / lams. (sheet / sheets); cap./caps. (chapter / chapters); no. / no. (number / numbers); leg./legs. (file / s); c. (box); book (will not be abbreviated); exp. (proceedings); carp. (binder); doc./docs. (document / s); AC. (circa instead of “towards” or “h.”); to. C. / d. C. (before Christ / after Christ); m. (dead) / r. (reign).

b) When the body of the text includes terms or phrases in a different language, or words that are to be highlighted, or of unusual use, these will be italiziced, unless they are cited in the original alphabet (Greek, Arabic, Hebrew , etc.). In the latter case, it is mandatory to indicate the Unicode font.

c) The titles of chapters, sections or epigraphs, and subsections or sub-letters shall be written in lower case (except the initials, which must be capitalized), as well as the captions of photos or the information of the graphs or tables, and shall not bear final point.

d) The sections and epigraphs will be ordered in a correlative and sequential manner, always with Arabic numbers, with the following progressive scheme: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., not exceeding the third level. Within these sections, the first must always be "1. Introduction" and the last two "Conclusions" and "Sources and bibliographical references" (with their respective numbers).

e) The headings and feet of the figures, tables and graphs will be written in Times New Roman, 10 point length, centered. They will be numbered as follows: Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, Graph 1, Graph 2. It is mandatory that in the body of the text a call is made to observe the figure, table or graph by writing the abbreviation in brackets corresponding and number. For example: (Fig. 1, Tab. 1, etc.).

f) The images that wish to be included will be sent to the journal within the text with the corresponding captions. It is the author's responsibility to provide images of sufficient resolution and quality for printing (300 dpi preferable), obtain the pertinent permits for the reproduction of someone else's work, and ensure that the mentions in this regard appear in the form on which the transfer of the right of reproduction. Recommended file formats for photographic reproductions or nuanced images are JPG, JPEG, or TIFF, with a desirable resolution of 300 dpi.

5. Citations in the text and footnote

The authors will adjust their articles to the following indications:

a) Bibliographic citations must be entered at the foot of the page, indicated in the text as a superscript numbering. If the call to the note is located next to a punctuation mark, this punctuation must always be located after superscript number. Starred notes are not supported. All notes should be included using the "Insert footnote" option in the text editor and not manually.

b) Textual citations inserted in the text will be placed in round letters and in high quotation marks ("...") when they do not exceed three lines. When they exceed the three lines, they will be put at 10 points, without quotes, with an indentation of 1 cm. by the left margin applied to the entire appointment, and separated before and after the text by a line spacing.

c) To mark the quotes that go within a sentence with high quotes ("..."), single high quotes ('...') will be used. For the definition or translation of a voice in a foreign language, the voice will be written in italics and between single quotes ('...') and in round the definition or translation. To differentiate the parentheses within other parentheses, square brackets ([...]) will be used.

d) The quotes will follow the Chicago 17A system, always in footnotes. The first time a work is cited, it will be done in its full version. If an appointment is repeated, it will be summarized (always following the Chicago 17A system): Author's last name, Short title, page. Eg: Ozamiz, Meaning of the work, 120. Bibliographic references according to the Chicago 17A system will not be entered in the body of the text, but in the footnotes.

e) If several works are cited in the same note, they are separated from each other with a semicolon. Eg: García Berrio, Theory of literature, 51-52; Albaladejo and Chico Rico, "The theory of linguistic and formal criticism", 184-233, and Chico Rico, "Theory of the text and literary linguistics", 229.

6. List of final references. Sources and Bibliografy

In each scientific article, a final section will be added in which all the bibliographic references and sources cited in the article will be compiled. The way of citing the final references is substantially different from that of the footnotes. To do this correctly, the authors must strictly follow the Chicago Manual of Style in its 17th edition A.

Chicago Manual of Style

A Brief Guide to Chicago Style 17A (footnotes and bibliography) from University of Queensland

a) Treatment of the names of the authors. All data must respect punctuation and spelling marks. The names of the authors will be given in full, avoiding the use of abbreviations as much as possible. Abbreviations will only be used in footnotes when the same work is cited for the second time. The order of the first and last names changes depending on whether they are footnotes or final references. See the following examples:

In footnote:

John Samples, “The origins of Modern Campaign Finance Law”, en The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006).

The second time the work is cited in a footnote:

10. Samples, “The origins of Modern Campaign Finance Law”, 5-10.

In final bibliography:

Samples, John. “The origins of Modern Campaign Finance Law”. En The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.

b) At the end of the article, the Sources and Bibliography (including hemerographic and cybergraphic elements) will be registered separately, which will be reviewed in alphabetical order of authors, according to the following guidelines: Surname and Full Name of the author. Title and subtitle of the book (in italics). City of publication: Editorial, Year. The works of the same author will be ordered chronologically, including each time the name of the author.

c) In the contributions of collective books, the surnames and full name of the author will be indicated. "Chapter title". In Book title. Place: Editorial, year. The name of the editor / coordinator will be preceded by "ed." or "coord." in the footnotes, and by the formula "edited by" or "coordinator by" in the final bibliography.

In footnote:

Amalia Descalzo Lorenzo, “El arte de vestir en el ceremonial cortesano: Felipe V”, en España festejante: el siglo XVIII, ed. Margarita Torrione (Málaga: Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000), 197-204.

In final bibliography:

Descalzo Lorenzo, Amalia. “El arte de vestir en el ceremonial cortesano: Felipe V”. En España festejante: el siglo XVIII, editado por Margarita Torrione, 197-204. Málaga: Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000.

As seen in the previous examples, the way you include the place of publication, publisher, and date information for books changes depending on whether it is a footnote or a final reference.

d) In articles in magazines or newspapers, the title of the article will be enclosed in round quotation marks, preceded by the author’s name, followed by the details of the magazine or newspaper, the title will be in italics. Exs.:

In footnote:

Iván Rega Castro, “The “new Lepanto”? John V of Portugal and the battle of Matapan (1717)”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 24, no. 1 (2018): 93-106, 

In final bibliography:

Rega Castro, Iván. “The “new Lepanto”? John V of Portugal and the battle of Matapan (1717)”. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 24, no. 1 (2018): 93-106.  

e) References to documents and manuscripts must include the following information: Typology of the document or manuscript (letter, consultation, relationship, order, decree, etc.), producing authority or entity, and recipient (if constant), date (place, day, month and year developed); the current signature of the file or library with which this documentation is accessed: full name of the file or library (initials added in uppercase in the first reference), background, unit in the corresponding language (file / leg., manuscript / ms ., box / box, folder / folder, file / exp., etc.) and foliation / paging (if necessary and with the formula f./ff. or p./pp.). Exs.:

In footnote:

Consulta del Consejo de Estado sobre los preparativos de la embajada a Persia, Madrid, 21 de enero de 1613, Archivo General de Simancas (AGS), Estado, leg. 2.643, s. f.

In final bibliography:

Copia de la “Relaçión de Juan Hervart tusón de oro de lo pasado en la investidura del tusón que se dio a Don Juan Baptista de Capua Príncipe de Caspuli y de Conca, por manos del Conde de Solre en la Iglesia del convento de St. bernardino de franciscos descalços fuera de los muros de Madrid, en el día de St. Juan a 24 de junio 1633”, Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), Ms. 11.137, ff. 1r-10v.

If a document has already been mentioned, an abbreviated reference will be made to its signature by means of the acronym of the file or library included in the note corresponding to the first mention.

f) Appointments from journals or electronic media on the Internet will be made indicating all the data according to the preceding standards (author, year, title, publication, city, etc.), in addition to the Internet address and the date of consultation will be indicated. Exs.:

In footnote:

Cuerda, José Luis. “Para abrir los ojos”, El País Digital 371 (9 de mayo de 1997). Consultado el 9 de mayo de 2020. 

In final bibliography:

Willet, Pierre. “The Victorian Women Writers Project: the library as a creator and publisher of electronic texts”, The public-access computer systems review 7, no. 6 (1996). Consultado el 27 de diciembre de 2017.

g) When the work or article cited has a doi number, it must be included in its bibliographic reference through its corresponding link:

7. Illustrations

Eikón Imago supports the inclusion of illustrations (images, plans and graphics) up to a maximum of twenty. The source of the same must always be identified. The presentation of figures or illustrations and their placement in the manuscript must respect the size and presentation mode recommended by the journal's editorial team.

Illustrations or images in color or black and white will conform to the following guidelines:

a) All of them will be presented on digital format in JPG, TIFF or BMP, with sufficient resolution quality, preferably 300 dpi.

b) In the body of the text, they will all go under the name "fig." if it is in Spanish, "Fig." in English, numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, and identified with all their data in the caption or caption ("Figure" in Spanish; "Figure" in English), including the source or origin of the image.

c) The original images will be included in the body of the text.

d) The authors of the articles will guarantee in writing that the images sent are free of payment for copyright, either for having already honored such payment, or because the images are free to use. In any case, they must cite origin of them, as well as their authorship, based on the right of appointment set forth in article 32 of the Intellectual Property Law.

e) Eikón Imago journal is not responsible for any disputes arising from the misuse of images.

8. Shipment Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are asked to confirm that their submission complies with all of the following elements, and that they accept that submission that does not comply with such indications will be returned to the author.

  1. The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  2. The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  3. Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  4. DOI references have been added in cases where they exist.
  5. The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in these “Guidelines for authors”.
  6. If you are submitting to a section of the journal that is peer reviewed, you must confirm that the instructions in “Ensuring a blind review” have been followed.

 9. Evaluation of the Articles

Eikón Imago reserves the right to reject any original based to quality, form or edition criteria, before on to the evaluation process. The evaluation of the articles goes through three phases:

a) First formal review: The Editorial Board, after acknowledging receipt of the text to the author through his email address, will make a first analysis of the article to check if it meets the requirements indicated in these "Rules for authors". Each article must faithfully conform to these Rules, otherwise it will be returned to the author to adapt it to these. That return will be communicated to the author within a period of less than one month.

b) Evaluation by the double blind peer-review process: After this first formal review, the article that has passed it will be submitted to the external opinion of at least two specialists of recognized prestige in the matter, external to the Editorial Board, to evaluate its content through the double blind pair review system, which implies the anonymity of the author and the evaluators.

Important details:

The fundamental criteria that will be taken into account for a positive evaluation of the articles will be: the relevance of the selected sources, the quality of the methodology used, the originality of the subject, the academic relevance, the updating of the bibliography, the fulfillment of the editorial norms, the correct writing in the language of publication, the structure of the work, the validity of the conclusions and the general scientific interest of the text, as well as its most significant contributions to the fields covered by the journal.

The arbitrators’ evaluations will be specified in three possibilities: "Accepted", "Accepted with substantial corrections", or "Rejected".

In case of discrepancy of evaluation between the two assigned arbitrators assigned, the article will be evaluated by a third specialist, whose opinion will settle the tie.

In the cases of "Accepted with substantial corrections", it will be returned to the author to make the modifications or corrections requested.

If the text is “Rejected”, the authors will be notified of the reasons given by the evaluators for making such a decision. The authors will be informed of the result of this review, as well as the evaluators’ opinion or recommendations and may, eventually, resubmit their article as a new publication proposal to the journal that will be evaluated, in any case, as a submission. independent of the previous one.

After knowing the reports, the author will have a correction period, during which time he will have to make the necessary corrections and amendments, and send the text through the journal platform so that the Editorial Team can verify that the necessary corrections and amendments have been made changes required before publishing.

In the event that the original is accepted by Eikón Imago, its author, once informed, must communicate his agreement or resignation within a maximum period of seven days. The journal undertakes to publish the original accepted within the year following its approval. Otherwise, you must request the author’s agreement to adjust the new publication date or the withdrawal of the accepted original.

c) Final decision: Once the result of the double arbitration has been obtained, the Editorial Board of the journal will decide to publish the article or not, according to the following details.

After hearing the opinion of its national or international arbitrators, said Council shall decide whether or not to publish the article, depending on the relevance and originality of its content and its formal structure.

The Editorial Board undertakes to communicate by email the author of the acceptance or rejection of his work within a period not exceeding one month after receiving the evaluations of the arbitrators, also specifying in which number of the journal it will be included.

Accepted papers will be published in their proposed form, except in the case of grammatical or writing errors. In the latter case, the Editorial Board, without interfering in substantive matters regarding the content of the article, is granted the freedom to introduce slight modifications in terms of writing, spelling, punctuation and graphic design.

Texts that pass the three phases of the review process will be published in order of receipt and acceptance.

During proofreading, the author may only introduce errata corrections, without making significant changes to the texts. Authors must correct the first tests within the period indicated from the delivery of the tests. Otherwise, it is understood that they accept the correction made by the Editorial Board.


Subscriptions contact (previous issues)
CAPIRE Research Group
Geography and History Faculty
33th Office, 7th Floor
C/ Profesor Aranguren, s/n
28011 - Madrid (Spain)
Publication and Communication Department
+34 91394 5748

Once the corresponding number has been published, all authors will be informed that they can download the final text of their contribution in PDF format on the journal's website.



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