The computer as a tool for diplomatic research: historiography and prospects

  • Miguel Calleja-Puerta Universidad de Oviedo y Grupo de investigación DocuLab
  • Guillermo Fernández Ortiz Universidad de Oviedo y Grupo de investigación DocuLab
Keywords: Diplomatics, methods, digital academic edition, historiography


The purpose of the article is to analyze how the use of computers for diplomatic research has evolved over the last half century, to establish a state of the art and possible perspectives. An analysis of the relevant bibliography in Spanish, English, French and Italian, which has dealt with the methodology of dip-lomatic research in recent decades, as well as those works that have raised specific proposals for the use of computer for editing and analysis of historical documents. The article highlights the phases in which techno-logical evolution has been conditioning its possible uses in diplomatic analysis, and concludes that the ana-lytical possibilities of the computer for the discipline are still underutilized.


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How to Cite
Calleja-Puerta M. y Fernández Ortiz G. (2023). The computer as a tool for diplomatic research: historiography and prospects. Documenta & Instrumenta - Documenta et Instrumenta, 21, 13-35.