Undressing Google: Birth of an Empire

  • Alejandro Suárez Sánchez-Ocaña Vicepresidente de la AIEI
Keywords: Google, collect,, Gmail, Don't be evil,, empire,, YouTube, privacy, creative taxation, monopoly, Google News,, tax havens,, advertising and Android.


I started out as a real lover of Google and I evolved towards a profoundly critical position, because that Google that tried to sell itself to us has changed a lot. Those who had 200 employees have nothing to do with those who have 30,000 today. Nowadays many people ask themselves: What difference does it make if they know what I do? We are not terrorists to be hiding, but we must understand that privacy is a fundamental right in which we have become interested little by little: as the issue has been dealt with in the media, we are more careful. But still, we are light years away from countries like Germany, where it is sacred. Many fear that if Google has to adjust to this type of regulation, as all citizens demand of other companies and public institutions, Google could disappear and with it the Internet. But it won't. The company has been preparing the ground that guarantees them supremacy for years: every day they sell and ...




How to Cite
Suárez Sánchez-Ocaña A. . (2024). Undressing Google: Birth of an Empire. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 10. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DERE/article/view/95383
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