A historial approach to local television regulation in Spain

  • Fernando de-Haro Albany University at Madrid (Spain)
Keywords: Local television, Audiovisual regulation, Simultaneous broadcast, Television licences



The Spanish Legislative Power neglected local service television’s regulation which had been very poor, even though the social situation demanded its up to date, until the Parlament was forced to act due to the political and juridical circumstances. This occurred in the 90’s of the last Century. The regulations approved from 1995 until the General Law 7/2010, on Audiovisual Communications (LGCA), 31st March, were written with haste and were not systematically applied. The study of the historical evolution of its regulation helps to understand the value of a forgotten sector.



How to Cite
de-Haro F. (2024). A historial approach to local television regulation in Spain. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 16. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DERE/article/view/93582
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