Wikileaks, Journalism and Transparency: The Filters of Leaks

  • Manuel de Santiago Freda UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE
Keywords: Digital journalism, Information Society, information transparency, journalistic leaks.


The article addresses the most recent leak of the Wikileaks website from three complementary perspectives: journalism, transparency and access to information, and the informational, social and political phenomenon that the dissemination of classified documents of the US Secretary of State has entailed. The first part contextualises the revelations within the framework of the Information Society, in which the Internet plays a key role. The following section deals with the leaks from the point of view of information, on the understanding that they are official documents classified as reserved and confidential, which have come to light through the media. The last section of the analysis deals with the informational, social and political repercussions of the phenomenon. Finally, a battery of conclusions is offered, which emerge from the different approaches proposed.




How to Cite
de Santiago Freda M. . (2024). Wikileaks, Journalism and Transparency: The Filters of Leaks. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 8, 1-9.