Cinema and public records

  • Concha Calvo Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Keywords: Cinema, Public records



When a producer is faced with the titanic task of making a film or, in other words, producing it, he must bear in mind that a cinematographic work or film is subject to a series of factors that will make the work exclusive and unpublished. To this end, the producer and his work must pass through a series of filters or registers that will give legality to the film in question. But what is a cinematographic film? According to the current legislation, Law 55/2007, of 28 December, it is any audiovisual work, fixed in any medium or support, in the making of which the work of creation, production, editing and post-production is defined and which is intended, in the first instance, for commercial exploitation in cinemas. Mere reproductions of events or representations of any kind are excluded from this definition.



How to Cite
Calvo C. (2024). Cinema and public records. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 15, 121-122.