Author´ s future: Spanish Draft Intellectual Property Law in a global framework

  • Laura Prieto Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Keywords: Intellectual property, Legislation, Authors rights, Private copying, Private copying levy, Rules, Intellectual Property Committee, Powers, Cultural industry


The passing, the last 22nd March 2013, of the Intellectual Property Modification Draft Bill, has
returned to the very latest the topic concerning authors rights and measures for its protection.
This paper goes on essential items on legal reform and the reactions of collectives representing
authors, collective management societies, internet users organizations, professional associations
and legal experts, reactions that bring back the argument on culture and cultural industry again.



How to Cite
Prieto L. (2024). Author´ s future: Spanish Draft Intellectual Property Law in a global framework. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 14, 14-30.
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