historical and legal reasons for the beginning of the credentialism of journalism in the spain of the xixth and xxth centuries

  • Ángela Belmar Talón
Keywords: law., History, Journalism


This research focuses on the first steps of the press sector in Spain when it started to follow the path of professionalization. In particular, we show the historical circumstances, both from the point of view of education and of corporatism, and the laws that supported that trend starting with the Press Law of 1883, and continuing with the drafts and bills that followed that very first one, between 1927 and 1935, trying to regulate the press sector.




How to Cite
Belmar Talón Á. (2023). historical and legal reasons for the beginning of the credentialism of journalism in the spain of the xixth and xxth centuries. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 20. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DERE/article/view/91418