Digital Literacy Projects and reality in Mexico since year 2020

  • Miryam Alcalá Casillas Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Keywords: Digital divide, Digital literacy, Digital integration


Due to the importance of accessing the internet to be part of the information and knowledge
society and to exercise political, social, economic and cultural rights, The United Nations Organization has urged States to take the necessary measures to promote digital literacy. For this reason, in this paper we analyze the actions aimed at promoting digital literacy in Mexico in recent years. We have gone into documentary research as well as into measurement of
indicators, whose use has proved an disappointing disparity in the internet access, especially in
rural and geographically distant areas with scarce economic resources and low educational



How to Cite
Alcalá Casillas M. (2024). Digital Literacy Projects and reality in Mexico since year 2020. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 29, 187-203.
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