Monetiform advertising documents: a metallic history of advertising in Spain

Keywords: advertising history, Spain, numismatics, advertising coins, medals


An atypical advertising document is presented here in terms of what is historically regarded as such and novel in its academic treatment: the coin. This work is the result of a broader previous investigation that analyzed the communicational dimension of the monetiform elements (coins and medals) in the Spanish environment, at the end of the 19th century and in the first decades of the 20th (XXXXXXX 2014). In the different searches carried out then for the location of elements for their subsequent analysis, a specific type of document was found, a family of advertising medals that, according to the data, were produced or edited freely and with little regulation, during the period treated, with a clearly advertising and also corporate intention and that, due to its content and its support, we understand cannot be left out of the heritage of our advertising. That is why, although we already approached them then as part of a broader corpus, we make them protagonists here to analyze in greater depth their specifically advertising historical dimension.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier García Herrero, Universidad de Valladolid

Profesor Asociado en la Facultad de CC. Sociales, Jurídicas y de la Comunicación del Campus María Zambrano de Segovia.

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How to Cite
García Herrero F. J. y Alvarado López M. C. (2021). Monetiform advertising documents: a metallic history of advertising in Spain. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 44(2), 211-219.