El uso del software HistCite para identificar artículos significativos en búsquedas por materias en la Web of Science

  • Enrique Wulff Barreiro
Palabras clave: Bibliometrics, Software, History of Science, Information Visualization, HistCite, Information Systems


HistCiteTM is a large-scale computer tool for mapping science. Its power of visualization combines the production of historiographs on the basis of the analysis of co-citations of documents, with the use of bibliometrics specific indicators. The objective of this article is, to present the advantages of the new bibliometrics configuration of HistCiteTM (2004) when identifying articles to analyze the histograms that produces HistCiteTM, in terms of cumulative advantage and aging of the citations to do a comparative study of the results of HistCiteTM, in its indicators of amplitude and recognition. Also is examined its treatment of the sampling problems, by formalizing the question of Kendall.


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Cómo citar
Wulff Barreiro E. . (2007). El uso del software HistCite para identificar artículos significativos en búsquedas por materias en la Web of Science. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 30, 45-64. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DCIN/article/view/DCIN0707110045A