El control y acceso al patrimonio bibliográfico a través de los catálogos disponibles en Internet

  • Luisa Orera Orera
Palabras clave: Bibliographic Heritage, Antique Books, Catalogues, Union Catalogues, Spanish Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalogue, Association of Latin American States for the Development of National Libraries in Latin American Countries (ABINIA),


This study explains the concept of bibliographic heritage, analyses the role played by libraries in the preservation and access to it, and presents catalogues as fundamental tools to carry out both functions. The paper classifies the catalogues according to their characteriological affinity and offers a number of significant examples of catalogues that include historical heritage, such as the Spanish Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalogue and others belonging to the Association of Latin American States for the Development of National Libraries in Latin American Countries (ABINIA).


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Cómo citar
Orera Orera L. (2007). El control y acceso al patrimonio bibliográfico a través de los catálogos disponibles en Internet. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 30, 9-23. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DCIN/article/view/DCIN0707110009A