Las deslocalizaciones internacionales. Una visión desde la economía crítica

  • Fernando Luengo Escalonilla
Keywords: International relocalization, Competitiveness, Transnational companies, Critical economy


The aim of this text is to reflect and to define a position on the key aspects of the debate on the transnacional movements of productive capacity. The focus is on those ones that present a methodological interest and a greater strategic significance, all this from the perspective of the developed economies. Research focuses on the delocalization dynamic taking into account analytical keys, alternative to the ones provided by conventional economy. The text is organized into four sections. The first raises some conceptual and methodological questions that allow defining the phenomenon of relocalization; the second relates to the tools used to assess its magnitude; the third discusses the relevance of labor and non-labor costs as explanatory causes of its growth; and the fourth and last analysis the costs and benefits of the relocalization process and its distribution.


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How to Cite
Luengo Escalonilla F. . (2010). Las deslocalizaciones internacionales. Una visión desde la economía crítica. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 28(1), 87-130.