Una aproximación al ecosistema de la nueva fuerza de trabajo. Approaching the ecosystem of the new workforce

  • Ángel Luis Lara
Keywords: «Prekariat», Systemic flexibility, Job market restructuring, Abstract labour, Control society, Subsunction,


The new workforce may be defined in terms of «prekariat»: subject to high employability and temporariness and permanently exposed to instability as a result of the arbitrariness of employers and the one-way logic of their interests. Transferable with regard to duties, abstract in relation to content and flexible regarding job description/benefits, the new workforce inhabits a geography that results from the economic transformations and political and business changes occurred in the job market in the last twenty years. This has resulted in a dramatic change characterised by the heightening of basic parameters of employer-employee relationships themselves, that is a clear split between workforce and labour, hegemony of abstract labour and increasing colonisation of all orders of life.


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How to Cite
Lara Á. L. (2003). Una aproximación al ecosistema de la nueva fuerza de trabajo. Approaching the ecosystem of the new workforce. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 21(2), 215-230. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CRLA/article/view/CRLA0303220215A