La teoría marxiana del valor-trabajo. Reflexiones a la luz de la obra de Isaak Ilich Rubin. The Marx’s Theory of the Work-Valour. Reflections at the light of Isaak Ilich Rubin’s work

  • Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro
Keywords: Work-value theory, Labor force, Explotation, Wage relations,


This article tries to prove the significance of a sociological reading of the Marx´s value theory. The Marx´s value theory is able to show the central and especific features of the capitalist society and to explain their role in the production process organisation. So this theory is essential to understand the wage relation´s internal logic as a labour force´s formation, engagement, distribution and explotation process.


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How to Cite
Castien Maestro J. I. . (2003). La teoría marxiana del valor-trabajo. Reflexiones a la luz de la obra de Isaak Ilich Rubin. The Marx’s Theory of the Work-Valour. Reflections at the light of Isaak Ilich Rubin’s work. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 21(2), 23-41.