German Trade Unions and the Digital Revolution

  • Thomas Haipeter University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Digitalisation, Trade Union Initiatives, Industry 4.0, Platform Economy


The digital revolution is a complex challenge for the German trade unions. On the one hand, this is due to general problems of the German trade union movement like declining organising power; on the other hand, digitalisation is a multi-layered process that is developing in different forms, ranging from the 'Industry 4.0' to the platform economy. In addressing these challenges, German trade unions were able to draw on new strategic approaches based on principles such as organising, participation and the activation of works councils. Basically, trade unions are trying to influence digitalisation and its effects on the basis of new initiatives and, in doing so, to reposition themselves as interest representatives of workers. While the activation of works councils is at the forefront of trade union initiatives on 'Industry 4.0', the initiatives in the platform economy are more diverse, but also more restricted. And while the proliferation of works councils forms a limit for the activation strategies, the platform strategies are limited by their high costs and effort compared to the relatively lower return. 


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How to Cite
Haipeter T. (2022). German Trade Unions and the Digital Revolution. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 40(2), 301-323.