Union revitalization and inter-union disputes: an analysis of labor relations in Argentina's chemical industry during the first decades of the 21st century

  • Clara Marticorena Centro de estudios e investigaciones laborales; Consejo Nacional de investigaciones científicas y Técnicas (CEIL-CONICET); Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Keywords: Union renewal, Inter-union disputes, Union structure, Collective bargaining, Labour conflict, Chemical industry, Argentina


This article analyses the relationship between union revitalization processes and inter-union disputes in chemical sector, as part of union renewal that took place in Argentina after the crisis of 2001. We study how inter-union disputes impacted on sectorial trade union structure, collective bargaining, and labour conflict. The results achieved highlight the particularities assumed by a situation of inter-trade union competition within the framework of Argentine’s trade union model, offering tools to evaluate thesis on the greatest weakness of workers in situations of trade union competition (or their opposite: the absence of trade union competition as the source of greater bargaining power), and the positive link between trade union competition and labour conflict.


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How to Cite
Marticorena C. (2022). Union revitalization and inter-union disputes: an analysis of labor relations in Argentina’s chemical industry during the first decades of the 21st century. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 40(1), 185-205. https://doi.org/10.5209/crla.69072