La vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores 12 años después

  • Valentín Esteban Buedo
  • Mariano Gallo Fernández
  • Asunción Guzmán Fernández
  • Montserrat García Gómez
Palabras clave: Occupational health surveillance


Most, if not all the companies, have started some kind of prevention activity since the new regulation of occupational risk prevention was issued on 1996. However, difficulties have been detected in the implementation of the new model of health surveillance. The aim of this paper is to promote discussion and improvement of health surveillance by describing who is making health surveillance, what and how it is been done.


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Cómo citar
Esteban Buedo V. ., Gallo Fernández M. ., Guzmán Fernández A. . y García Gómez M. (2007). La vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores 12 años después. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 25(1), 59-86.