El registro arqueobotánico de plantas psicoactivas en la prehistoria de la Península Ibérica. Una aproximación etnobotánica y fitoquímica a la interpretación de la evidencia

  • José Antonio López Sáez
  • Elisa Guerra Doce
Keywords: Psychoactive plants, Prehistory, Iberian Peninsula, Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany,


Psychoactive plant remains from prehistoric sites in the Iberian Peninsula are presented here. They are studied from phytochemical and ethnobotanical points of view. Likewise, some analyses which have led to the identification of biochemical indicators of their active agents in archaeological recipients and human bones are also examined. Certain evidence suggests that these plants could be used as drugs, and that prehistoric societies might have made use of their hallucinogenic and/or medicinal properties.


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How to Cite
López Sáez J. A. y Guerra Doce E. . (2006). El registro arqueobotánico de plantas psicoactivas en la prehistoria de la Península Ibérica. Una aproximación etnobotánica y fitoquímica a la interpretación de la evidencia. Complutum, 17, 7-24. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMPL/article/view/CMPL0606110007A