La Arqueología Americana en la tradición arqueológica española. American archaeology in the spanish archaeological tradition

  • Andrés Ciudad Ruiz
  • Mª Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León
Keywords: American archaeology, Anthropological archaeology, Study programs and American archaeology, Archaeological Research in America,


The development of American archaeology in Spain has its own identity signs which are the result, on one hand, of the colonization processes, and on other hand, of the close relationship with Anthropology, being this last feature a main difference with the archaeology conducted in Spain, and in general in Europe. In 1930 American archaeology began its final process of institucionalitation. And since then the academic and research programs, the scientific activities and institutions which have been created in the domain of the discipline in our country have educated an important number of researchers. In some speciality areas these researchers are prominent scholars for the European research on indigenous past of the American continent. Finally, the relevance of American archaeology for a Degree in Archaeology is argued.


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How to Cite
Ciudad Ruiz A. y Iglesias Ponce de León M. J. (2005). La Arqueología Americana en la tradición arqueológica española. American archaeology in the spanish archaeological tradition. Complutum, 16, 231-243.