El poblamiento de Cogotas I en el valle de los ríos Aguisejo y Riaza (Segovia) The Cogotas I settlements in the Aguisejo and Riaza valleys (Segovia)

  • Fernando López Ambite
Keywords: Cogotas I, Middle Bronze Age, Northest Meseta, Population stability, Hierarchical structuring of the villages, Settlement pattern


At the Northeast area of Segovia, it has been confirmed the existence of a poblational area belonging to the First Stage of Cogotas I, more densily inhabited than other areas, and showing obvious links with the Southwest of Soria. This area is characterized by the presence of a certain poblational stability around a series of settlements, which seems to indicate a dominant trend to the poblational concentration. On the other hand, this fact doesn’t imply the existence of a rising hierarchical structuring of the villages, as it’s being accepted by other authors, hypothesis which we think it’s possible to reject in the light of the adduced documentation. Finally, it’s observed a continuity along the time in relation to the Calcolithic period, although with changes related to the economical dedication, whereas again it’s comprobated the lack of continuity regarding to the Cogotas I plenitude stages.


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How to Cite
López Ambite F. . (2003). El poblamiento de Cogotas I en el valle de los ríos Aguisejo y Riaza (Segovia) The Cogotas I settlements in the Aguisejo and Riaza valleys (Segovia). Complutum, 14, 125-168. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMPL/article/view/CMPL0303110125A