La urna ibérica de orejetas perforadas

  • Fernando López Bravo
Keywords: Protohistory, Iberian peninsula, Iberian pottery, “Urna de orejetas perforadas”, Distribution,


The “urna de orejetas perforadas”. The “urna de orejetas perforadas” is one of the most characteristic containers of Iberian pottery, that fits in cronologically between the middle of the sixth century to the end of the fourth century or the first half of the third century. However, some containers dating back to the first century BC have been found. The drawing up of a new map updates the previous maps which have illustrated its distribution, thus widening the scope of ceramic pieces known so far. Besides this new map aims to provide new general information about its morphology, chronology, origin and uses, from the South West of the peninsular to the French Languedoc, by the Mediterranean coast; and the two plateaux at the inland in areas. This ceramic urn was more common in urban living areas than in burial sites, although it is in the latest that more examples have been found.


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How to Cite
López Bravo F. . (2002). La urna ibérica de orejetas perforadas. Complutum, 13, 97-116.