Morphological and technological characterization of the prehistoric ceramics from the archaeological site of Cerro de los Vientos (Puente del Obispo-Baeza, Jaén)

  • Sergio Fernández Martín Junta de Andalucía
Keywords: pottery, morphology, tipology, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, ditched enclosure, negative structures


Between 2014 and 2015 the prehistoric site of Cerro de los Vientos (Puente Obispo-Baeza, Jaén) has been excavated as a part of a rescue excavation programme. A small site with two circular ditched enclosures and pits of different shape and size were found. Different Prehistoric and Protohistoric phases were identified in the sequence of this site. The study of the Prehistoric pottery assemblage belonging to the Copper and Bronze Ages will be the aim of this paper. Through their typological and technical properties different aspects such as the relationships between the shape and function of the manufacturing process will be discussed. Finally, the technical and social acts involved in the step-by-step production process will be explored through the operational chain.


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Author Biography

Sergio Fernández Martín, Junta de Andalucía

Doctor en Arqueología. Conservador del Patrimonio Arqueológico.

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How to Cite
Fernández Martín S. (2020). Morphological and technological characterization of the prehistoric ceramics from the archaeological site of Cerro de los Vientos (Puente del Obispo-Baeza, Jaén). Complutum, 31(2), 233-254.