The fortified settlement of Castelinho (Felgar, Torre de Moncorvo, Portugal). First Approach to its Diachrony and the Iron Age Engraved Stone Plaquettes

  • Filipe Santos ACE
  • José Sastre ACE
  • Sofía Soares de Figueiredo ACE
  • Fábio Rocha ACE
  • Eulália Pinheiro ACE
  • Rodrigo Dias ACE
Keywords: Iron Age, Castro, Engraved Stone Plaquettes, Ditches, Walls, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal


In this text we present the results of the first archeological intervention in the Iron Age site of Castelinho. The uniquenessof the site, demonstrated by the presence of structures as well as an impressive assemblage of engraved stone plaquettes,has made the site difficult to characterize considering the regional context. The site, situated on a high point withcommanding view of the surrounding area and enclosed by a massive “defensive system” of ditches and walls, could beconsidered as a Hillfort (castro) in the classic sense of the word. After a year of archaeological work in this importantsite we will address here several hypotheses in connection to the diachronic evolution of the hillfort, and the exceptionalcollection of portable art unearthed.


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How to Cite
Santos F., Sastre J., Soares de Figueiredo S., Rocha F., Pinheiro E. y Dias R. (2012). The fortified settlement of Castelinho (Felgar, Torre de Moncorvo, Portugal). First Approach to its Diachrony and the Iron Age Engraved Stone Plaquettes. Complutum, 23(1), 165-179.