The Statue-Menhir from Pla de les Pruneres (Mollet del Vallès, Vallès Oriental)

  • Pablo Martínez Rodríguez Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Statue-menhir, Antropomorphic stele, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Catalonia


At the site of the Pla de les Pruneres has been found an anthropomorphic figure carved in three dimensions on a block of arkose of 4.90 meters high and 6200 kg weight. The similarities of this statue-menhir with the figures of the Rouergue and the French Languedoc are very interesting, a fact which leads us to propose a timeline for this figure of 3300-2200 a.C. similar to these figurative groups of France. This discovery adds to the figure of Ca l'Estrada and the set of Reguers de Seró that place Catalonia in the forefront of research on megalithic art of the 4th and 3rd millennium B.C.



How to Cite
Martínez Rodríguez P. (2011). The Statue-Menhir from Pla de les Pruneres (Mollet del Vallès, Vallès Oriental). Complutum, 22(1), 71-87.