La creación de la Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España en la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera

  • Antonio Pérez Yuste
Keywords: Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España (CTNE), International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT), Ericsson, National Telephone System, Industry of Telecommunications, Military Directorate, Primo de Rivera, Sosthenes Behn, Gumersindo Rico


The concession of the Spanish Telephone System to the National Telephone Company of Spain (CTNE) in 1924 represents one of the most outstanding events in the contemporary history of this country. Regardless of the scope chosen: technical, social, political or economical, it is not possible to understand the Industry of Telecommunications in Spain without the intervention of the current “Telefónica Corporation”, the successor in time to the first National Telephone Company created during the Dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera. Reasons which lead to the creation of the CTNE, the connection of this company with the North American multinational ITT and the way in which it was able to take control of the whole Telephone Market in Spain will be described in this work.


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How to Cite
Pérez Yuste A. . (2008). La creación de la Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España en la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 29, 95-117.