Ocio y Deporte en el nacimiento de la sociedad de masas. La socialización del deporte como práctica y espectáculo en la España del primer tercio del siglo XX

  • Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal


In the first third of the 20th century the mass society entered with force in the scenery of the developed countries. Spain didn’t remain to the margin of the convulsions that shook Europe in the birth of the mass society. The sport found a new space because of the increase of leisure. In this complex context, the practice and the liking for the sport was spreading through the Spanish society from the restricted elites during the first years of the century to the urban middle classes and after to the labour world with the implementation of the 8 hours working day and the increase of the incomes of the workers. The sport offer, through its popularization, registered substantial modifications. The aristocratic sports like the fencing or the riding were declining protagonism to other less elitist practices, as the cycling, the cross, the boxing, the democratization of the excursionism and specially the football.


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How to Cite
Otero Carvajal L. E. (2003). Ocio y Deporte en el nacimiento de la sociedad de masas. La socialización del deporte como práctica y espectáculo en la España del primer tercio del siglo XX. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 25, 169-198. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CHCO/article/view/CHCO0303120169A