Wonderland: The United States in the Republican Press of the Sexenio Democrático, 1868-1874. The case of La Igualdad.

Keywords: republican press, republicanism, federalism, Spain, United States, Sexenio Democrático


The United States of America was a paradigmatic model of a federal republic for Spanish republicanism during the Sexenio Democrático (1868-1874). Its constitutional and democratic nature, its broad regime of freedoms, its history, its economic prosperity, and its harmonic religious life were recurrent motives for admiration, vindication, and idealization by the Spanish federal republican press. Among the newspapers of this ideological current during the period, one of the most important was La Igualdad. This work examines the inspiration that the example of the United States aroused in the pages of this newspaper, with the purpose of framing Spanish republicanism in its international context.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Martín P. (2024). Wonderland: The United States in the Republican Press of the Sexenio Democrático, 1868-1874. The case of La Igualdad . Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 46(2), 477-498. https://doi.org/10.5209/chco.87393