Financing of the coups against the Regency of Espartero. The case of the banker Nazario Carriquiry Ibarnegaray

  • Manuel Martín-Calero Gastaminza
Keywords: Economic history, Nazario Carriquiry Ibarnegaray, capitalists of the nineteenth century, Regency of Espartero, Maria Cristina de Borbón, Duke of Riansares


Nazario Carriquiry became one of the leading bankers of the mid-19th century, thanks to advances to the treasury, the supply of Elizabethan troops from the northern army in the First Carlist War and other economic operations with the state. When the Regency of Espartero began, both Nazario Carriquiry and other capitalists stood against the general and put at the service of María Cristina de Borbón all their economic resources to get his return from exile and establish a moderate regime.


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How to Cite
Martín-Calero Gastaminza M. . (2022). Financing of the coups against the Regency of Espartero. The case of the banker Nazario Carriquiry Ibarnegaray. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 44, 111-134.