The fifth column and the defeat of the Second Republic. The main naval base of Cartagena: a mined fortress (1936-1939)

  • Pedro Mª Egea Bruno Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Civil War, Fifth Column, Navy, Naval Base, Cartagena, Republican Rearguard, Indalecio Prieto, Bruno Alonso


The fifth column took firm root in the naval base of Cartagena., under the stimulus of the strategic value of the enclave and the presence of the naval squadron. An event of enormous importance, which has gone unnoticed even in the most recent bibliography. The actions that occurred here were of the utmost importance, given the military importance of this naval base and, on top of that, the significance of those involved, in high positions within the armed forces. It contributed decisively to the defeat of the Republic, demonstrating the effectiveness of that invisible war.


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How to Cite
Egea Bruno P. M. (2020). The fifth column and the defeat of the Second Republic. The main naval base of Cartagena: a mined fortress (1936-1939). Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 42, 241-262.