Shades of Philip II: the 'Black Legend' and the uses of history in the crisis of moderantism

  • Alfonso Calderón Argelich Universidad de Lleida
Keywords: historiography, moderantism, conservatism, political cultures, Spanish nationalism


This paper contextualizes the controversy unleashed in the years 1867-1868 around the figure of Felipe II. The “neo-Catholics” vindicated his reign from a national point of view as a way of generating adherence to their anti-secular postulates. This generated important tensions in the political culture of moderantism. The analysis of the parliamentary rhetoric and the interventions in the press allow us to recover the meaning of these allusions to the Habsburg monarchy. The so-called “Black Legend” could be invoked versatilely by different actors with diverse political intentions.


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How to Cite
Calderón Argelich A. (2020). Shades of Philip II: the ’Black Legend’ and the uses of history in the crisis of moderantism. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 42, 173-195.