I confess. Autobiography and communist organic practices during the 1930s

  • José Carlos Rueda Laffond Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Keywords: Autobiographies, Subjectivity, Stalinism, Communist Party of Spain, International Brigades


The article analyses the communist autobiography as political and cultural practice during the thirties, its functionalities and the state of art. Based on a variety of archival material, confronted several focuses of attention: theory and practice of the communist cadre and ego-documents in the contexts of the Comintern, the Communist Party of Spain and the International Brigades. The text highlights the importance of these manifestations in the understanding of communism as transnational network constructed by symbolic referents, organizational projects, and dynamics of subjection.


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How to Cite
Rueda Laffond J. C. (2018). I confess. Autobiography and communist organic practices during the 1930s. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 40, 275-302. https://doi.org/10.5209/CHCO.60332