The Prison Ward, Film Space and Memory Place in the Spanish Cinema

  • José Luis Sánchez Noriega
Keywords: Film prison, women’s prison ward, republican militants, guerrilla band, post civil war, Franco regime, national catolicism.


In this paper we consider the combination of three issues, which also separately, have a significant interest from both academic research and film studios as from the historiographical studies. First, consideration of the role of women in past events, i.e. women as historical subject and, at the same time as a film subject; secondly, prison as a space of historical interest (social, political) as “place of memory”; and thirdly, the approach to works of a cycle scarcely cultivated by Spanish film and movies such as stories and performances that mostly take place in prisons: the prison film. The combination of these three perspectives takes place in a short but significant filmography that is our object of study.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Noriega J. L. (2016). The Prison Ward, Film Space and Memory Place in the Spanish Cinema. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 38, 303-323.