Indalecio Prieto and the “Basque Issue” (1930-1931)

  • Luis Sala González Doctor en Historia Contemporánea por la UPV/EHU (España)
Keywords: Indalecio Prieto, Statute of Autonomy, Basque Country, Spanish Second Republic, Pact of San Sebastian, Catalonia, Nationalism.


The article analyzes Indalecio Prieto’s political position with regard to the self-government aspirations of the Basque Country in the months inmediately before and after the proclamation of the Spanish Second Republic. The lack of response the socialist leader obtained from the mayority of the Basque nationalism in his proposal to create an antimonarchical bloc in the region, united to the situation originated in Catalonia on april 14th and the determination of the PNV to give the Basque Statute a Catholic confessional character, slowed down the process leading to autonomy and eventually turned the matter into an electoral central issue.


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How to Cite
Sala González L. (2017). Indalecio Prieto and the “Basque Issue” (1930-1931). Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 38(Especial), 311-322.